I've inherited from a colleague a huge slide deck, but he doesn't use animation on any slides. I'd
I'd like to do a one-click conversion of the slide deck to incorporate a very simple animation scheme. I
I understand how to use the animation painter to copy the animation effects from one slide to a single other slide. ButBut in spite of what Microsoft blithely says in this url, it's not a trivial matter to copy the same scheme 100 times to each slide individually. It'sIt's very hard to believe that Powerpoint is so primitive that it doesn't provide a one-click option, but there's nothing about it on the web. One
One possible approach would be: 1) set up a template in which my preferred animation scheme is applied to every bullet point list by default 2) open a new presentation 3) import the old unanimated presentation into the new one 4) then hopefully the imported presentation would have the templated animation characteristics.
- set up a template in which my preferred animation scheme is applied to every bullet point list by default
- open a new presentation
- import the old unanimated presentation into the new one
- then hopefully the imported presentation would have the templated animation characteristics.
I've no idea if a) I can set up a template as proposed b) my inheritance idea would work could
- I can set up a template as proposed
- my inheritance idea would work
Could anybody advise please?