Photoshop shines when one wants to edit photos, paint or make combinatons of the forementioned. Texts, vector shapes and 3D are all useful extras but not the areas where Photoshop is the most obvious choice of a professional. Those capablities in Photoshop are useful because one can do his work in one program, and even with a good collection of tools if the most part of it contains bitmap graphics.
You have declared some especially interesting uses. Those are higher level goals than using Photoshop. User @joojaa has in his comment written that out already very clearly. Photoshop is poor tool to handle those goals. It's good only for making and editing the images for those goals.
Illustrator is the same except it's made for vector graphics. It can also handle very well the making of single page printings.
You can well take some learning material for previous versions. The skills which that naterial teach are still essential and valid.
A thousand learned tricks are nothing if you cannot solve practical problems. Most important is to develop your abilities to think the ways how to achieve something wanted. Nobody pays for mixing colors or drawing curves - no matter, how well it's done. They want a file that can be printed, published or imported to a bigger job. That file must contain a work where you have inputted something using some creativity and effort that they haven't or they are too busy.
You can well train yourself in it by making something existing better or presenting the same things differently. A faceless "do it yourself course cannot" help you in this, you need some personal feedback, too. So find a teacher who can give some crituque and guidance in greater lines. The tricks can be learned from tutorials.