I am new to inkscape but have some experience with Illustrator CS4.

I am working on a card game, and I have decided to create various layers to make it easier to order and select various elements.

However, when I tried to copy paste my card over, it pasted all the elements into the current layer.

Is there a feature that allows the pasting to be done in the respective layers?

I searched the web but only found information on the difference between copy, clone, and duplicates, as well as copying layers over from file to file.

Any help welcome.


2 Answers 2


Sorry to necro, but I believe duplicating (Ctrl+D) should make a copy and preserve the layers for each object--at least it does for me when I try it in Inkscape 1.0.2


I have found groups are more useful for organising content, rather than using layers in Inkscape. To group objects, select them and hit Ctrl+G.

Also the Objects panel is much more useful than the layers panel for seeing how everything is arranged/constructed. You can enable it by clicking Object > Objects.

Here's an example below. You can select a group, copy and paste, rename it, edit it, move it up and down the stack, etc.

enter image description here

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