I'm starting my education in Graphic Design soon (once I finish my current degree) and I'm pretty much immersed myself information in preparation including textbooks that I will be using and websites (like this one) to improve my knowlege base.
I also work at a retail store where I do graphic design on a daily basis in the print shop. Which has helped me in figuing out what I can and can't do and how long it takes me to complete a task.
The one hurdle that I'm facing right now is the ability for me to come up with layouts for designs and to be able to visualize compositions. I know that most of this will come with practice, my friends who have completed thier degrees have said that layout and composition are pretty straight forward and there are plenty of resources to learn or get inspired on how to layout graphics.
What are some of these resources? There are no books that I can find at my local library or Barney Nobo as thier graphic arts/design sections are very limiting.
I have purchased the Layout Index, but I find the book really....dated. I can kind of see what they are trying to do with the book, but all of the layouts that are in the book don't really inspire me.
Are there better places that explain layout? Perhaps mathematically? I do really well with math.
I also ask for print media specifically because there's already a good question asked about web layout.