I am using PowerPoint to design a series of templates for my client. (Yes, I know PPT is not the most ideal solution, but that was the decision)
This will be used to display some text & image content, along with ppt animations & slide transitions. This powerpoint slide will be beamed up to a large LED display and essentially function as a 'looping video wall'. Kind of like the video walls in Apple Stores.
The reason for having it in powerpoint is so that the client can easily edit the images & text on their own, which they intend to do periodically.
My Question:
I was wondering if there is some function in PowerPoint that allows it to act as a 'CMS' of sorts - asset browser, text editor etc. so that my client can easily replace the images, without manually right-clicking to 'Replace Image' on each individual image.
Is there some way to link a powerpoint file to a folder /img with a bunch of images, a clear naming structure (img001.jpg, img002.jpg ...) and then the client can simply replace the image & text there, rather than fiddle around manually in powerpoint?