For a particular project, I've got to come up with a set of a ten small one-color icons meant to represent certain feelings. However, these icons must not be emoticons, or faces, of people for that matter. While it doesn't sound like much, I find it to be way more difficult than I thought.
Here are the feelings and my ideas of icons to represent them:
- Loving || This one is obvious.
- Angry || Lightning bolt
- Surprised || Gift - wrapped up present?
- Happy || Flower or sun
- Scared || Spider?
- Disgusted || No real idea. Poop?
- Confident || Sunglasses?
- Sad || Tears
- Amused || No real idea.
- Unimpressed || That's the toughest of them all. A tumbleweed might do the trick, but there's no way I could draw a recognizable one in 32x32px.
Any thoughts or ideas on the subject would be greatly appreciated! Advice on corresponding icons packs, if any, are also welcome.