Does anybody know a free web font which is a good alternative to the Helvetica Neue Extended? We need it for the headlines on a new website.
5 Answers
There's free for personal use typeface that is really well made and complete. It's my go to typeface for design when I want to use an "Helvetica" type font.
It's called Neue Montreal.
One possible candidate is Poppins via Google Fonts.
Poppins is nothing like Helvetica, sorry. I mean they're both sans, but their design is enormously different.– spiralCommented Nov 9, 2017 at 19:24
That's actually a pretty good alternative. Granted, it isn't identical to the best font ever devised by mankind, (surprise, it's free) but a cursory glance would fool most casual observers. If Jana needs something closer, perhaps they should consider dropping some coin on the genuine article.– 13ruceCommented Nov 9, 2017 at 22:09
This is probably something the OP can decide, obviously there are differences, but overall and depending on the intended scope, this could be considered about 85% close to HNE. The differences can only be spotted by somebody who knows about fonts, a 'normal' client will most likely not see an issue here.– lmlmlmCommented Nov 10, 2017 at 7:42
There's plenty of helvetica-like open source fonts, but few that have extended versions. I managed to find ONE with an extended version:
Probably the closest free alternative is TeX Gyre Heros:
Warning: it only comes in two weights.
For a more fully-featured open source alternative, try Inter:
These are 2 of the 7 best Helvetica alternatives, IMO. The link includes other suggestions, analysis of options, and download links.
I found the Open Font Lunchtype, very close option