I have a bunch of QR codes and a bunch of serial numbers associated with these codes. I need to print a lot of tickets, each having a different QR code and corresponding serial number on them.

So far I had success to generate those tickets, by using variables and datasets, with help of this awesome tutorial and the script mentioned in it.

I end up with hundreds of files, each having one artboard, with one ticket in it.

What I need is a file with artboards of A3 size, so I can create a PDF file with multiple pages for print. Obviously, on each of these A3 artboards should be as many tickets as possible.

  • Does the order matter? Commented Mar 15, 2018 at 14:24

1 Answer 1


(Didn't watch the video)....

Not sure if it'll work for you, but you can create a multi-page PDF merely using Acrobat...

In Acrobat, choose File > Create > Combine Files into Single PDF and choose your separate .ai files. They should be combined into a multi-page PDF.

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