I'm new to this...
I have a lot of assets that are exported as jpeg when I digest them. But we often have to translate these assets and it ends up with me the developer composing the asset in code with the raster images (usually backgrounds with text on top). Then in code we apply the translation.
What I would like to develop is a way to design assets in illustrator and export them as SVG files to use in the app. Then in code I can target that SVG asset and change the text to the translated version before I render it.
Does anyone know of any pitfalls with this approach?
Does anyone know how to get a text item to be referenceable in SVG and easily changeable?
I have this code:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" viewBox="0 0 400 657.06">
<image width="400" height="600" xlink:href="iu.png"/>
<text transform="translate(7.38 639.06)" font-size="72" font-family="MyriadPro-Regular, Myriad Pro"><tspan letter-spacing="-0.07em">T</tspan><tspan x="30.67" y="0">est</tspan><tspan x="119.09" y="0" letter-spacing="-0.04em"> </tspan><tspan x="131.4" y="0" letter-spacing="-0.07em">T</tspan><tspan x="162.07" y="0" letter-spacing="0em">e</tspan><tspan x="197.93" y="0" letter-spacing="0.01em">x</tspan><tspan x="232.2" y="0">t</tspan></text>
Notice the text is built with Tspan etc. Is this required in SVG files produced by illustrator? or can I just tell illustrator to simplify this with some sort of text="Test Text"
and FontSize=72
Edit: because it's easier to change Text="Test"
then to figure out a way to generate the Tspan