This sort of effect is referred to in the 3D motion graphics community as a Plexus network effect, (Example 01, Example 02) and this specific example you show seems to me to be a vector 2D pseudo Plexus - probably done in AfterEffects using techniques such as this (tutorial video link) as I see clean vector edges throughout and no real atmospheric perspective, so probably the Plexus is not of actual 3D rendered origins, besides which, in this case the intersection and cross connection of the dots into the title motion graphics would make it really hard to have started in 3D.
As it happens Plexus 3 by name is a mid price ($250) plugin for After Effects as well as a script used in 3DS, and so you CAN do full 3D plexus network effects in AE, as well as a host of other cool UI / UX type motion graphics; that said, I still think your example is pretty simple 2D work in After Effects.