My Illustrator working profile is set to sRGB/Coated FOGRA39 and to preserve embedded profiles. Conversion Adobe ACE / Perceptual.
I did a test. I made a print ready PDF in two different ways:
In the first I linked an sRGB psd-file to the layout and to the second I linked a PSD already converted to fogra cmyk in Photoshop. There I used the Perceptual conversion as well.
I exported the PDF similarly in both cases: Convert to destination (Preserve numbers), to working cmyk (this case the same FOGRA39). I tested the CMYK psd also without conversion in the export part, and the result appeared the same.
When I look at these files in Acrobat through the Fogra39 profile, they appear different. The one that had RGB pictures converted in the export is a bit brighter, and the one with ready CMYK pictures a bit more dull/gray. I have understood that the conversion process on both programs (PS or AI) should be the same, but still I get different results.
Is someone able to spot where the difference could come from?