Example Image

For the example image above - I would like to add a white background. However, I want that white background to "trace" around the logo + text so it isn't simply a rectangle.

I'll try to explain another way: Think of this image with a white stroke added to the outside of the shapes + letters. That cares for the shapes specifically, but I will have transparency in-between the shapes and in-between the larger gaps of the stroke.

Below is an example of what I am trying to achieve, except I want the INSIDE of the white outline filled also.

I hope this makes sense.

Image Example

1 Answer 1


One method is simply to group the objects, then add a very thick stroke to the group via the Appearance Panel. Lastly, move the stroke below the Contents on the panel....

enter image description here

You could expand this artwork via Object > Expand Appearance, then Object > Expand and Object > Expand (I had to expand twice because the group contained live type. If there's no live type, one expand should work.)

enter image description here

Then tap the Merge button on the Pathfinder Panel...

enter image description here

Another option is to add a new Fill via the Appearance Panel. Move the fill below the Contents on the panel and highlight it. Then choose Effect > Path > Offset Path from the menu. Adjust to your liking...

enter image description here

Then you can follow the same expand steps above to get actual shapes you can manipulate if desired.

The difference between using a fill vs a stoke is in the Stroke Options. With strokes you can do things like tick the Round Corners option to, well, round stroke corners easily if desired.

enter image description here

  • Thank you for the information. This doesn't work for my need, though, because my graphic has a picture (on the left where the Li is in the example) with larger gaps. So I would have to increase the stoke so greatly, the border becomes huge around everything else. Are there any other methods that may work?
    – haqzore
    Commented Sep 24, 2022 at 1:31

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