I have an EPS file containing a load of icons. Is there any way I can export each individual shape in the file to a PNG? It's difficult to work with a number of EPS files because I don't see thumbnails in explorer. I have both Illustrator and Photoshop.
1 Answer
You could technically open EPS files with Photoshop, but this would rasterize the graphics. Because of this, Illustrator is a better option.
If your image has the icons sorted in a grid, you could just draw slices and export them that way.
Using Slices
There are a few ways to create slices from elements:
Select one or more objects on the artboard, and choose Object > Slice > Make.
Select the Slice tool and drag over the area where you want to create a slice. Shift-drag to constrain the slice to a square. Alt‑drag (Windows) or Option-drag (Mac OS) to draw from the center.
Select one or more objects on the artboard, and choose Object > Slice > Create From Selection.
Place guides where you want to slice the artwork, and choose Object > Slice > Create From Guides.
Select an existing slice, and choose Object > Slice > Duplicate Slice.
Then you just need to save the result as PNG using Save For Web & Devices
(Source: Adobe Help)
Using Layers and Scripts
You could also use a script like this one: Export Illustrator Layers as PNGs.