From my understanding,
The SVGZ is a compressed file type of an SVG. I love using SVG images and have had a lot of experience with them.
All of the times I used them I have never had a graphic that went over a few hundred kilobytes.
I use SVG for responsive graphics while making responsive websites. I also use them since my favorite design style is vector based graphics. My strongest design strength is illustrator, especially when it comes to graphic design.
The other reason I would use an SVG graphic is due to the ease of animating certain elements of the graphic, like arms, legs, etc.
Especially background elements, like a city to span across the entire page while I animate some flickering of lights and so on.
If the file is compressed, would it lose the SVG code so I couldn't animate it?
Is there any reason I should use an SVGZ over just an SVG?
Well I decided to just make an SVG and SVGZ to see how they acted with the web since I found out my works ancient CS3 can save SVGZ!
After testing I ran into a very unexpected problem with the SVGZ file type. (Tested on Chrome, Firefox, and IE) If you go to the direct URL of the image you get an error. I am assuming you can't access the SVG code on these files types but after making a fiddle it doesn't even seem to display the image.
Are these useless for the web?
to be served up using the right MIME type, see . Personally I always use Raphael.js for SVG/vector graphics on the web because I need IE8 supportSVGZ
? I thought maybe it would be nice to cut down on an image file size. I am just curious whether or not anSVGZ
is in any way useful for the web or really useful in any way.z
means gzip compression which is used to cut down file size and pretty much nothing else.