I'm a web designer, and my old (non retina) Macbook, Photoshop used to produce clear images and text both in Photoshop and out of Photoshop when the final images had been saved as a png or jpg.
However, ever since moving to the retina MacBook i've been completely stumped by the fact that my text and everything else in the images are coming out pixellated, which doesn't help at all.
So, for example i'm creating a logo which is just text in a font, i'm editing at 200% which is the real size of the image i believe for the Macbook retina, the text appears blurry or pixelated and I can never seem to get it to sharpen up? This is not a case of changing the text to sharp/smooth etc because even then no matter what I choose the text is still pixellated. So when I go to save the image as a png or jpg the image, of course is still pixellated. The issue is it's not like it can go unnoticed either, it's that bad.
Am I missing some settings here? Surely graphic designers aren't putting up with this?
Sorry if this seems like a really stupid question, but I really can't get this working, so if anyone can help then it'd be really appreciated!