
I have a series of graphics that I got produced by a graphic designer for my website and I am wondering what format/settings i should use when converting the .ai files into JPEG, PNG, GIF files.

I have the following types of files

  • Logos (Requires transparency)
  • Avatar like images for the brand.
  • Banners
  • Background Graphics

Being that it's for a website, I obviously want quality but also small file size to help keep the site fast.


As the logo requires transparency PNG format is the best choice.


  1. What would be better between PNG-8 and PNG-24?
  2. If PNG-8, what would be better between selective, adaptive, perceptual, restrictive?
  3. If PNG-8 or PNG-24, should I apply interlacing to the images?
  4. If PNG-8, what would be better out of diffusion, pattern, noise or no dither?
  5. What type of image optimization should I be using, art optimization, type optimization or no optimization?

Avatar like images, banners, background graphics


  1. What would be better between PNG-8 and PNG-24, GIF and JPEG?
  2. If PNG-8 what would be better between selective, adaptive, perceptual, restrictive?
  3. If PNG-8, PNG-24 or GIF, should I apply interlacing to the images?
  4. If PNG-8 or GIF, what would be better out of diffusion, pattern, noise or no dither?
  5. What type of image optimization should I be using, art optimization, type optimization or no optimization?

1 Answer 1


This question is broad, since you're looking for a very detailed explanation without relating to a specific problem. What have you tried that didn't work and why? In any case, to point you in the right direction:

  1. The designer should have delivered these for you if he got paid for the service. It's not the client's job to understand these things.
  2. You're overthinking it. The PNG-24 preset should work for all your items with default settings. For larger banners the JPG High preset could be better if you need to keep the file size down. GIF is not so popular anymore, ignore it.
  3. Everything else is not so relevant unless there's a problem with the above, in which case show us what you have and what the actual problem is.
  4. Also see here, here or here.
  • I have just been producing loads of copies of banners in all of the variations I can think off, compared them all and if I go through and look for differences at max quality (where I can't tell the difference) and they look like the .AI file's quality. JPEG 90% comes out at 101KB, PNG-8 comes out at 42KB, PNG-24 comes out at 76KB, GIF comes out at 55KB. As for transparent images, I notice a noticeable difference around the outer edges between PNG-8 and PNG-24 with the latter looking better.
    – Ryflex
    Commented Mar 26, 2017 at 9:01
  • Sounds like you're doing it right. A few KB more or less is not much of a difference nowadays. Go with whatever looks best.
    – lmlmlm
    Commented Mar 26, 2017 at 9:06

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