Linked Questions

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low poly wireframe [duplicate]

I am trying to create this look on an image but not sure what program was used to create it. I have illustrator and photoshop but not sure if there is a filter I could purchase to help start the ...
Paula's user avatar
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what's the easy way to create low poly background by adobe illustrator? [duplicate]

eaxamples: look at these background and portrait
Moath Atwan's user avatar
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How would Forbes' design team create these photos? [duplicate]

There's a gallery of The Best Advestment Advice of All Time where all of the portraits have the same effect applied. What would that be called, and how can I do something similar using Adobe Photoshop?...
evil's user avatar
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How do I convert an image to flat-shaded polygons? [duplicate]

I am looking for a way to convert an image into a flat-shaded polygonal mesh. This consists of two steps: Creating the mesh (manually), overlaying an existing image. Shading the mesh (automatically) ...
Thomas Luzat's user avatar
4 votes
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What is the best way to acheive this "geometric triangles" effect?

I'm currently playing around in Illustrator and I would like to know the best way to recreate this pattern from a Samsung wallpaper (or similar) so that I can colour it how I like. The main problem I'...
SaturnsEye's user avatar
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How do you make random 'diamond' design in Photoshop?

How do you create random diamond, crystal design like this ad on Photoshop? Could anybody please teach me and also identify what's the proper name for design like this call? Thanks a lot! ^Check out ...
Hugo's user avatar
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Pattern Name Identification

After quite a lot of search attempts I failed to find a pattern which we can fill in background so as to generate the background as shown in the graphic below. I'm not sure if its a pattern or a ...
Ravi Ojha's user avatar
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Is there a name for the type of design that's a bunch of 3D triangles of similar shade?

Usually see it in SVGs, either 2D or 3D. I really like the design, but not sure what it's called. Something like this: Or even the ...
0xPingo's user avatar
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Get the average color of a raster image for a mosaic effect

I've been searching for a way to get the average color of a raster image, to use in a vector grid in front of it to create a mosaic effect - the "Object > Create Object Mosaic..." menu ...
Francisco Vital's user avatar
-3 votes
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Making these types of vector images

I've always been interested in creating 'vector' images like the ones seen here: For example, the clinking glasses, the fireworks, and the firework rocket. They always have a nice symmetry, they're ...
Accumulator's user avatar