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16 votes
6 answers

How do big design companies share art files

Many projects with many files all uploaded by humans on one server will get messy, by definition. Even if they have a structure, when 1000 of people work on projects there will be made mistakes. How ...
Benidorm's user avatar
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35 votes
9 answers

Methods for improving color choice and combinations?

I often struggle choosing proper color combinations. I'm self-ware enough to realize that I'm most comfortable with, and often settle on, colors which could be seen as more corporate or retro - blues, ...
Scott's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

The role of the designer in content – should he have one and how big should it be?

I'm a designer, not a marketer, and not a writer (at least not professionally). A lot of the work I do involves working with material in a field that can be above my head. Because of that, I'm content ...
Brendan's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Can multiple designers work together?

I've been wondering if it is successful to have two or more designers work on the same graphic design. I have tried a few times, but I ended up with a design that was not good enough, even though we ...
Ran Mouri's user avatar
16 votes
8 answers

Best way to send layouts with editable text to writers/editors who don't have design software

Here's a common design workflow problem, probably most relevant to in-house designers, but also to agencies who have a lot of non-design writing or research staff, or freelancers who work with in-...
user56reinstatemonica8's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Drafting Designs - Do you start from paper first, or straight on the computer? [closed]

When you are initially drafting the design for something, do you usually start from the paper first and draw thumbnails of the design, or straight on the computer first?
JFW's user avatar
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Scrap-work Methods

Should one start their scrap-work / mockups in an ordinary notebook or scrap-paper to be thrown away ? What is the recommended practice? Keep older drawings ? Throw them away ? Is it better to ...
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