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Questions tagged [distribute]

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2 answers

Distribute Spacing not working as it should

i have these grouped objects in Illustrator and i want to vertically distribute the space between them. It used to work but maybe i did something wrong that i don't know of
speeder's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I align and distribute objects diagonally in Illustrator?

I have a word that I converted to outlines, and I want each object to be aligned diagonally to the artboard, although nothing seems to work. How can I do that? Example
Alexandre Andrejow's user avatar
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1 answer

How to distribute objects inside a shape?

I have thousands of objects I want to distribute them inside a square shape with a same spacing. I tried distribute object panel but... I think I have to align line by line which is tiring method. ...
Soufiane M's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Where is "Distribute Horizontal Space" in Inkscape 1.0+?

Apologies all - I was looking for a way to (easily) enter a distance between objects textually (like Align, but with specified distance like 1 cm); I had apparently found a post about something like ...
sdbbs's user avatar
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3 votes
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Inkscape gradient-stop distribution

Is there any way to auto-align gradient stops along the length of a gradient in the same manner that objects can be distributed with relation to the page?
Quin Benson's user avatar
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1 answer

Inkscape: How to evenly distribute lines within a rectangle?

I'm new to Inkscape. I want to align/uniformly distribute vertical lines within a rectangle. So that the space between the lines is all the same distance. For example, if I have a 300x400 pixel ...
Shmn's user avatar
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