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3 votes
1 answer

Why does my Eps file look like an image?

Why my eps (eps 10) file in Adobe AI is not working and it behaves like an image? I can't change anything. When I look at the layer panel it seems like an image.I deleted the layer of the link file. ...
Proma's user avatar
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14 votes
5 answers

Is it unprofessional to provide svg files instead of eps?

I do most of my work for the web and often use svg files, when I need vector graphics. I designed a logo as part of a project for a client, and the client now asks for an eps file with transparent ...
jost21's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How to print a large Photoshop file (.psb)?

I want to print a large document, a PSB file of 3.21 Go. But I want that document to be 270x305 cm and 300 dpi. The problem is that my printer want a file in the EPS format and that Photoshop don't ...
user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Opening and editing Adobe Illustrator (.ai file) in older Adobe CS4 or CS5 version?

I'm doing some design work where I've been sent an .ai file that opens up in my (older) version of Adobe Illustrator (CS4 or CS5) as a blank box. I've tried opening it using different programmes but ...
Jess's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Pros and cons to .AI vs. .EPS file formats in 2017?

I've heard "EPS is a dying format" so many times my brain completes the sentence every time I hear "EPS"...yet whenever I research the issue, I can only find posts about why it's a dying format in ...
kduz's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Will an EPS saved in Illustrator CC open in any Illustrator version?

If I save a EPS vector file in Illustrator CC version will it open up in any Illustrator version (e.g. CS4, CS5, CS6)? Or do I need to save separate EPS files for each version of Illustrator?
Rachel Lovett's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

What are the workflow differences between vector file formats?

I came here when I found AI vs EPS vs SVG here. The main point most (all) answers have is that the workflows in the three formats are different. How and why these differences are is not so clear to ...
Booser's user avatar
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2 votes
5 answers

Is eps the right format for photos with transparency?

I have just started with a company who make a 72pp catalogue of products. There are hundreds of linked eps files used for the product photographs (electrical trade products so typically white and ...
dvprry's user avatar
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-6 votes
1 answer

What is the correct file format for a logo?

I had my logo professionally made and when finished they gave me a series of files of different types. One of those was to be able to enlarge the logo without distortion or pixelation. I think it was ....
Cream's user avatar
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19 votes
5 answers

AI vs EPS vs SVG

What's the technical difference? I'm interested in switching from Illustrator to Inkscape and would prefer to work exclusively with SVG, but is this going to be a problem for my team if they stay on ...
corysimmons's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Saving an image created in MS Word as .eps

I have created an image in MS Word using the Shapes tools, so on my hands is a .docx (or at best .pdf) file. Now I have to have an .eps file from the contents. I tried converting the .pdf to .eps but ...
micawber's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why is Illustrator 10 moving my letters and outlines when I open a file?

I have a file that was originally created in CorelDrawX5 as both a dwg and pdf. I have opened both in Illustrator CS6 and they work fine. I then saved it as an eps and ai for my supplier to work ...
Mark's user avatar
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0 votes
4 answers

Best practices for exporting images from vector / eps artwork

I'm taking my first steps into the waters of vector design, designing a simple logo (in 'Sketch' for mac - an illustrator alternative). This went well until it came time to export the artwork for a ...
Larry's user avatar
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