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3 answers

Processing "clean" text to simulate "old-fashioned" printing

I am hoping to start a project to train Tesseract for a certain kind of image that is a very common problem for open-source OCR-assisted transcription of old texts: ~1700s printing presses and paper ...
diwhyyyyy's user avatar
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Adding a "bursting neurons" effect to text in Inkscape

I am creating a logo with Inkscape, and would like to process the text in the logo so that it looks a bit like the "vertical lines" in this image: So far, after browsing all the nice effects that ...
Giorgio's user avatar
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Low quality, grainy shadow effect with Photoshop

I'm looking for a way to do that effect with Photoshop. It looks like noise but it's not. If I zoom in:
dmchp's user avatar
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Noise effect / Gaussian Blur in Bitmap

I need to make the same curve as the picture from scratch in PS, using Gaussian Blur > Dissolve > Bitmap (50% Threshold). The other way I made the vector curve to Shadow > Dissolve > Bitmap. However, ...
Jessica's user avatar
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Adobe Illustrator: Unable to apply Grain-Effect to Gradient

(This question is related to another investigation into visual techniques using gradients and noise-filters: Research: Grainy/Noisy Gradient) I am trying to apply a Grain-Effect (Effect -> Texture ...
JoSch's user avatar
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