I use a js to export artboards. It remembers the last directory. For a repetitious cycle like you describe, this would probably be a faster solution for you.
Any artboard you want exported should be appended with the correct file extension. Compression and type can be included after the extension:
Artboard1.jpg60 <-- without the compression it picks up Adobe's default (30!)
Artboard2.png <-- exports to 24 by default
#target illustrator
var i, il, j, jl, m, doc, filepath, filetype, filetypes, filename;
doc = app.activeDocument;
/*filepath = doc.fullName.path;*/
filepath = Folder.selectDialog("Pick your destination")
// Build Export Options
filetypes = [
{ pattern: /\.png(24)?$/i, rename: ".png", type: ExportType.PNG24, options: new ExportOptionsPNG24() },
{ pattern: /\.png8$/i, rename: ".png", type: ExportType.PNG8 , options: new ExportOptionsPNG8() },
{ pattern: /\.jpg(\d+)?$/i, rename: ".jpg", type: ExportType.JPEG, options: new ExportOptionsJPEG() },
{ pattern: /\.gif$/i, type: ExportType.GIF, options: new ExportOptionsGIF() }
for (j=0, jl=filetypes.length; j<jl; j++) {
filetypes[j].options.artBoardClipping = true;
// Export Artboards
for (i=0, il=doc.artboards.length; i<il; i++) {
filename = doc.artboards[i].name;
if (filename) {
for (j=0, jl=filetypes.length; j<jl; j++) {
filetype = filetypes[j];
m = filetype.pattern.exec(filename);
if (m) {
if (filetype.rename) { filename = filename.replace(filetype.pattern, filetype.rename); }
if (filetype.type === ExportType.JPEG) {
if (m[1]) {
filetype.options.qualitySetting = parseInt(m[1], 10);
} else {
filetype.options.qualitySetting = 72;
doc.exportFile (File(filepath + "/" + filename), filetype.type, filetype.options);