I can hold the SHIFT key down to force the Move command to move along only one axis (x,y, or z)

But I have to start moving the mouse first before locking it to an axis with the SHIFT key. And when I start I have to move the mouse around a bit until it starts moving along the Axis I want to lock to. so it moves the object around a bit along undesired axis.


  1. Choose an object to Move.
  2. Select the axis it'll move in.
  3. Move the mouse (or type in a distance along that axis)
  4. Object moves in that axis.

Is there a way to to pre-select the Axis before I start moving my mouse?

1 Answer 1


Hold the the appropriate keyboard key down:

  • <- left Arrow (X axis)
  • -> right Arrow (Y Axis)
  • Up arrow (Z Axis)

H/t to this great https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eP9WKUbxPAM

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