I have problem very similar to GIMP - export to PNG changes the color completely (from RGB to GRAY). i.e. colors in exported images are changed to gray. What I am doing wrong? here https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/7ehp7ny8yosnocy4l6bp1/h?rlkey=5dmp0ps2coga6spshqzecicmw&dl=0 are example files these "-1." are indexed while two others are not.
2 Answers
In fatc there was bug in gimp, now fixed.https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gimp/-/issues/9933
layer is changed. Furthermore the transparent strip on the right is partially filled with a grayish color (#7e7e76). Can you show the export dialog? What Gimp version is this? Did you try to merge the layer before export?