Is there an automatic tool that can crawl a live site and generate both a visual sitemap and single-page screenshots?
I tried searching around and all I can find is Powermapper and Slickplan but those don't take screenshots. I am on a Mac.
If you're not afraid of coding you can do this with Python:
import gtk.gdk
w = gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window()
sz = w.get_size()
print "The size of the window is %d x %d" % sz
pb = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB,False,8,sz[0],sz[1])
pb = pb.get_from_drawable(w,w.get_colormap(),0,0,0,0,sz[0],sz[1])
if (pb != None):"screenshot.png","png")
print "Screenshot saved to screenshot.png."
print "Unable to get the screenshot."
Reference: Python: Taking a screenshot
If you're on a Mac you could do this with AppleScript:
tell application "Safari"
set winID to id of window 1
end tell
do shell script "screencapture -c -x -l " & winID
Reference: Applescript - Take Screenshot of ENTIRE Web Page - Safari
If Python isn't your flavor then you could do this with wget
and there's a good gist write up: "Use wget to mirror a single page and its visible dependencies (images, styles)"
As far as an application I'm not aware I just do mine in the terminal but if I happen to be browsing and I like a site that gives me ideas on another way I could build something I use Awesome Screenshot for Chrome.