What I need:
I'm creating android app icon. So it's obviously pixel based and I want to pay attention to make it "pixel perfect" and then I need to export it in different dimensions (say 36x36, 64x64) by scaling it down accordingly, without losing proportions and crisp edges.
What I tried and observed:
(Using Illustrator 2015)
Thing I'm using to get pixel perfect shape is Align to pixel grid so that edges don't seem blurred. It works but spacing and width of shapes change!
(A) Align to pixel grid is unchecked from beginning
- I created a shape (No strokes, only fills). Align to pixel grid is UNCHECKED
- Scaled it down to size of an app
- Checked Align to pixel grid and shape got distorted. One of the lines get thinner and spacing becomes uneven. It's not sure what will be distorted. It depends from dimensions to dimensions / shape to shape.
Observation: Widths and spacing are affected
(B) Align to pixel grid is checked before starting drawing shape
- I created a shape (No strokes, only fills). Align to pixel grid is CHECKED
- Scaled it down to size of an app
- Shape got distorted. Result was similar to (A) - 3
Observation: Mainly spacing is affected. It's not proportional
(Please see rough illustrated image at the end (these are not real pixels. I just made grids to make it clear to you. Things are a little exaggerated):
How can I fix it (i.e., getting those 3 rectangles of equal width with equal spacing between them)?
I read answers on Adobe forums and here by Scott about similar questions. But I consider this a new question as others didn't explain how we can solve this problem of uneven spacing and widths if we want to scale it down and still get pixel perfect design.
Things distort more when there are rounded corners. Some corners get more radius, some less eventually, instead of being equal.