Depending on what you mean by "editable", one thing to be aware of is that the default when re-sizing the font will be for the stroke width to remain the same, rather than scaling with the size of the font.
At 12pt or similar that quarter-point stroke may be just enough heavier, but if your client decides to shrink it down to 6pt it will look much bolder and your letters may start to run together, and on the other hand if it's enlarged to 48 point you probably won't even notice a difference between the original font and the version with the stroke.
You can solve this to some extent by changing the document default to "scale strokes and effects" within General Preferences (Edit menu –> Preferences –> General from my version of Illustrator); checking that box will allow you to "stretch" (click and drag) the text larger or smaller and maintain the ratio of stroke-width to font-size. However, be aware that changing the font size with the type tool will still maintain that .25pt stroke width even with this option turned on. Of courses the stroke width can always be manually re-set to maintain the correct ratio, but that may not be very easy from the client's perspective. This is also only applicable to editing within Illustrator.