This is really a matter of opinion.
I prefer right aligned numbers, then inset, left aligned text to the right of the numbers.
I also prefer my numbered list to not have periods or parentheses at all. That is unless at least one of the list item text also starts with a number - then I'll use a close parenthesis to separate the bullet from the content.
1 An item
2 Another item
3 Third Item
10 Tenth Item
11 Last Item
1) First
2) Second
3) 3 Items
10) The penultimate item
11) 11 total Items
Again, this is my preference.
The primary factor with lists is to always remain consistent with their styling across a piece or brand. You don't want to format one list a certain way, then format another list a different way. So use a format which will work universally for all lists needed.