I am not a graphic designer or anything near it, just do some CSS.

I have this svg file:


I need its contours White instead of Black so I can make it more clear or accessible on top of a blue background.

How to invert the color of an SVG (from Black contours on transparent background to White contours on transparent background)?


2 Answers 2


Since it is a SVG (so, vector graphics), in the general case, not with Gimp (which is a raster editor) but with Inkscape, which is designed to edit SVG.

However, for such a simple file, a text editor is enough, you just need to change the color on the stroke attributes (here to purple, because white-on-white would be confusing):

enter image description here

enter image description here


SVGrepro.com allows online adjustments of their files.

One could just go find the svg there and use the online tools to change colors and then click the "Export" button for a new, color changed, svg file.


Just change the #000000 value under the icon on the left to #ffffff and export it.

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