Can I use Acrobat X Pro to batch process hundreds of multipage PDFs to JPGs?
This question is very similar to what I am after but I am wondering if there is a way to do it in Acrobat X Pro. I have asked on and the adobe forums and have received no conclusive answers. The previously linked question brought me here.
I have several hundred pdfs. Some were originally composed from Tiffs and others JPGs. I'd like to convert them all to JPGs. Ideally I would do it on the command line.
The following:
convert document.pdf document.jpg
works really well, when the source material was originally a JPG, but if it was originally a TIFF not so well. I have found a "ghostscript" that can handle the conversion from tiff, but not reliably. Plus, I have no real way to determine what the PDF was composed of originally.
I am turning to MS Windows and Acrobat X Pro to handle my troubles. I have been a linux user for the past five or so years, so my familiarity with adobe products is rusty. Acrobat X can easily save a multi-page PDF to a JPG, and they look great regardless of if the origin files.
However, I see no clear way to do this as a batch (aka: "Action"). I see an action to export all the images in a document, and for some reason it gives me three images from a page. with only one of the three being useable. But is there a way to specify a custom Action that simply saves the PDF as JPGs?
Why not as of much importance, is there also a way to specify proper padding? For example, when you manually save a 9 page document to JPGs it appends
- _Page_1.jpg
- _Page_2.jpg
- etc.
A 900 page document will list page 1 as "_Page_001.jpg".
Perferablly it would be nice to always have "%04d", or "_Page_0001.jpg".
Note: I've include other Adobe Tags as I am have many products in the CS 5.5 suite to work with — yes I know its older, and no I don't know all of the ones I have.