Please forgive the open-ended title. My actual question, I think, is a bit more specific and suited for this site but it is rather difficult to articulate my need in one simple sentence.
Quick background-- I've recently had a minor shift in my career. I need to manage a website for a non-profit and since it will be rather graphical, I need to start learning how to extensively use image editing software. On a beginner-level, I've used PhotoShop in the past because that was what was available to me. I can use it but I'll be honest... I've always hated PhotoShop and reached for alternative editors when given the opportunity to use something else. To me, it's just not as intuitive as many other tools that I've used and, let's face it, it's expensive compared to many of the alternatives.
My specific question is, is PhotoShop such a massive, de-facto industry standard that should I not realistically consider using another tool if I ever want to find competent volunteers (or future employees) that will need to manage our image assets?
I know that their are a ton of PhotoShop alternative but, other than GIMP, most people have never heard of any of them.
If I prefer to steer clear of PhotoShop for our needs, is this going to cause a problem in the future regarding finding competent workers that could take over my work, or are the other top-used image editing tools in enough use that I should be able to find competent workers that are familiar with these tools?
I will choose to use PhotoShop if I have to in order to remain relevant. However, that will only be out of begrudged necessity. Any advisement would be appreciated.
Please note that this IS NOT a direct request for PhotoShop alternatives. Instead, I just want to know that if I do go with something else for my personal work, will I be causing a bigger problem in the future when I need to hand over my work to someone else who is hopefully more capable than myself.