Let me explain the title a little further. What I have is a series of PDF files in a series of folders --
Parent Folder
-Child Folder
--PDF file
--PDF file
-Child Folder
--PDF file
--PDF file
What I want to do is open each of those PDFs in Photoshop, and then Save For Web as a jpeg with a series of options (i.e. Blur: 0.192, Quality: 35, etc). I've already created an action that opens a file as PDF generic with a specific resolution and height, and then an export action of Using: Save For Web, Operation: Save, etc.
Unfortunately, to complete the creation of the Action, I needed to save the file, and the "Export" action now has a path ("In: T:..."). What I want to do is run that Action I created; when doing so it processes all the PDFs and creates JPEGs just fine, but all the files are saving to the same folder that I saved the file to when I created the action. This is a problem as there are non-unique filenames here and there, and what I need is for each of these files to save to the subfolders in which their PDF counterpart lives.
Was I wrong in choosing to do the "Export" in the action? Any help or guidance is extremely appreciated.
NOTE: I am using Photoshop CS 1, I do not have the option to use any of the more recent versions.