I'm in the process of doing layout for a trifold aimed at the elderly population in my town, and I'm looking for some recommendations from folks who have experience laying similar materials out for a similar audience.
Before everyone jumps on me and says that not all the elderly have visual acuity problems, let me say that I agree but am aiming for the lowest common denominator - a large-print brochure can be read by anyone but a small print one can't.
Some other issues I'm not sure about:
- Contrast ratio: should I aim for a higher contrast radio (more blacks and whites and fewer grays?)
- Colors: several studies I've read (including this one) seem to indicate a slight increase in red/yellow and slight decrease in blue / green color perception. Has anyone run into this, and how significant is the increase / decrease? Would a more limited palette be useful?
- Font size: What's the standard increase in font size for a "large print" publication? 150%? 200%?