So for a while now I've been lerning web design / web development, done a few small projects for classes (I'm a student), read up on the subject, watched videos and so on. I'm now somewhat familiar with design principles and I'm able to build a clean, good-looking, responsive website.
So recently I had a chance to build my first 'real' website. It was for a choir which a relative of mine is involved in, so I offered to do it for free.
So I build a nice website, felt pretty confident about my design and showed it to my clients. They said it looks great and such, but asked me to do tons of 'tiny' changes, like changing the background-color, the font-size of certain elements and so on. Worst of all, instead of using one of the Logos I created they decided to go with something one of them drew, which rips off the Logos of not one, but two major companies, is terribly bloated and looks horrifying alltogether. (Later, I asked a friend of mine who is a trained designer who agreed that my original suggestions looked better by far).
So the problem is, I was really hoping to start building a portfolio with the Logos and website I created. But after all the changes I implemented (tried to explain to them why those were bad ideas, but they wouldn't have it), the website looks really awful and is not something I want to have listed as my work. So, how can I go about adding my original site and the Logo I created to my portfolio? I have saved my original design in a seperate git branch, so I can go back there, take some screenshots or even mirror the original site to a server.
Should I link to the live website and mention the changes that I didn't have control over, along with some screenshots? Or should I replace the pictures and copy they supplied with dummy text/pics and upload the page to a subdomain of my own server (and link to it in my portfolio)? Or is there a better way? Also, how can I do that in a way that the clients won't feel that I'm treating them dismissive or condescending (as in 'stupid clients had stupid ideas so here's my ingenious original design')?
On a related note, should I bundle the website and Logo design in one portfolio-entry or seperate them?