When working with Adobe InDesign it is possible to select how text will be aligned vertically:

Picture of InDesign UI which shows a text-frame and a dialogue for further alignment options of said text-frame

I am especially interested in having the text vertically centred and was wondering if this is also possible in Sketch. I figured, that maybe these controls here are responsible for this, however they are greyed out:

Picture of Sketch-UI with highlighted controls, which appear to be greyed out

Thank you for your time.

1 Answer 1


Sketch only allows to vertically center text if they are fixed and do not using the native line-height of the font. This is how you can active the vertical alignment options:

  1. Create a text layer
  2. Change alignment to fixed
  3. Grap the handler at the bottom
  4. Resize the text box, vertical alignment options will be active

For Example: When styling a button you can now stretch the fixed text area above the background layer, setting contrains to all directions an voi la, you have a full horizontal and vertical flexible button.

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