So I have some objects, open-ended lines, and a box:
I select the box and choose Object > Path > Divide Objects Below, and get this:
You can basically see that the objects have been divided, but also made into a closed shape. Even the lines that fell fully inside the box have this happen!
Is there any way to avoid that? So my "lines" are just divided but not closed off?
Or is there a better way? What I really want is to chop the lines where they cross the box. I don't use a Clipping Mask because a) it doesn't get rid of the clipped data and b) I have 30 layers and they all get moved into a single layer
Similarly, I looked at using Pathfinder Crop, but that too creates the closed shapes and also drops everything onto the same layer as a group.
Sorry if my terminology is off. I'm from a GIS/CAD background. Fairly new at Illustrator and frustrated that what should be a simple clip/crop task has taken me two hours to just get this far!!!