I am using CS2. I have a series of a dozen layers, all with scattered red dots. Shades of red vary from light pink to dark red. Upper layers have preference over higher layers, making some pink dots cloud out lower red dots. Layer order will not help, because the redder dots are regionally random across the dozen layers.
In Example 1 lots of pink is seen clouding out red
In Example 2 I have manipulated layers, decreasing the clouding in some area but at the cost of other areas
Question: Is there a way in CS2 to give color preference globally, so that the redder colors will bleed through, enhanced, instead of clouded?
The dots were created using the magic wand, pulling from maps like those shown, and thus don't have the desired opacity differences that would have made this occur natively. I have to deal with the fact that they are red and pink, and not the preferred more and less opaque red.