I own a registered logo design. It is currently in black and white. Can I legally change the color scheme from black and white to other colors?

  • Registered where? Paying a design agency for ownership gives you title to the work they have completed. It is not the same as trademark ownership applied towards a business symbol. If you have registered the logo as a trademark, you can update this with a new submission. This is normal in the life of a brand. Shell over a short period: bit.ly/3x1SNnW In terms of colour, it's SOP for a logo to be supplied in colour, black and white out so that it remains flexible for a wide range of applications. I generally provide an avatar now also for mobile / social bit.ly/2OZi4xW Commented Apr 16, 2021 at 9:04

1 Answer 1


If you own the copyright to the artwork, you are free to do whatever you wish.

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