The SVG doesn't load properly in Illustrator, it's all messed up. I get a different problem from you. Everything is visible but the letters are jumbled up and overlap each other.
The SVG works fine in Inkscape though, which is generally a bit more forgiving than Illy. As far as I can tell, the problem appears to be caused by the use of multiple clones, or quite possibly as @joojaa has noticed, some malformed path data, perhaps a combination of the two. The SVG code is a bit of a mess TBH.
So, here's a fix, a bit of cleaning up in Inskcape:
Open in Inksape, do Edit > Clone > Unlink clones recursively, then do Path > Stroke to Path on the two horizontal lines to convert them to paths. I also see an awful lot of nested groups. You could Ungroup everything several times to remove most of those. Then do File > Clean up document. Finally Save as an Optimised SVG.
Anyway I tested this, seems to work OK in Illustrator after fixing in Inkscape. Here's the SVG
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Here's the fixed SVG in Illustrator
(The tools usedMathJaX
rendering a subset ofLaTeX
) toSVG
. You try to see if they work better. 1. 2. 3. 4.