I am trying to create a template for a wedding card with multiple color options.The design uses 4 colors in a custom swatch palette.

Is it possible for me to load a 'new 4-swatch palette' to replace the 'active 4 swatches', and change the colors in the document?

Thanks Ng

  • How will this be displayed an used? Or is this a thing only for use inside Illustrator? Do you want to replace one colour with another? ("everything in this doc: change yellow to red") or do you just need to add a new palette?
    – benteh
    Commented May 4, 2014 at 15:38
  • Thanks. I need to replace a set of 4 colors, with 4 new colors. This will be used inside AI while changing the colors for a card to provide a new color theme. So yes, if I have set 1 (red, yellow, blue and green) as my first set I would like a new set 2 (Purple, Teal, Violet & Maroon) then Red=Purple, Yellow=Teal, Blue = Violet, Green=Maroon. Thanks again.
    – Aviator
    Commented May 4, 2014 at 16:41
  • So, something like this? graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/questions/28528/…
    – benteh
    Commented May 4, 2014 at 16:45

1 Answer 1


Just select template for a wedding card and go to Edit Menu in Adobe Illustrator CS6. Edit Menu -- Edit Colors -- Recolor Artwork here you can load a 'new 4-swatch palette' to replace the 'active 4 swatches', and change the colors in the document.

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