I have a bunch of art boards that are sized to 88x88 pixels. When I export my art boards, all the images are sized as 88x88, where transparent pixels are surround my actual art work.
Is there a way to export the images and have it not include the surrounding box?
For example, assume all my art boards are 88x88 pixels. In one of them, I have a 40x40 plus sign. In another I have a 40x50 star. When I currently export my images, I get two images that are 88x88 pixels. What I want in one that is 40x40, and another that is 40x50.
Note: I still want to design the icons in a 88x88 grid. Is there a way to easily get these results without resorting to resizing my storyboard to "hug" their artwork?
I am exporting to PNG images.
Update: When I attempt to uncheck Use Artboards as per this suggestion, it combines all of my artwork into a single file. This is not what I want. I want 2 separate files in the example above.
I would prefer a solution which doesn't require a script.
All of my artwork is located on a single layer.