I have just finished building a new web page in HTML 5 and using a jQuery slider effect to horizontally scroll across the web pages.

Now I need to design a background at 8000x1000px so it all "flows and connects" perfectly between each seperate background image. To do this, I need to divide this large 8000px image into 4 separate 2000px background files.

How can I create 4 images from 1 source file using Illustrator (currently using CS3) that will stitch seamlessly?

1 Answer 1


A quick Google of "illustrator CS3 slice" turns up this from the Adobe forum:

Place guides where you want to slice the artwork, and choose Object > Slice > Create From Guides.

At which point you Save For Web.

  • Thanks I was playing with the tile option but couldnt get it to work, will try this way. Cheers
    – nextyear
    Commented Oct 9, 2011 at 12:32

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