Hi great people of Stack Exchange. I have a question about presenting multiple design concepts for a social media campaign.
So I've been designing social media graphics for a client that wants me to present 6 ad designs. To make this project happen, I offered to create a different design concept for each ad. However, the problem I have is presenting each ad with multiple design concepts.
So far, we've had 2 meetings like this where I presented design directions for her ads. The first meeting, I focused the conversation on possible color choices we could go with, and she loved a good number of them. The second meeting, I kind of did the same thing I did in the first meeting. But this time I created 3 possible color choices for each ad and tried to get a final decision for which design concept she'll use for each ad. But this is where things got confusing for me.
I think I gave her too many color options (when I looked at my notes, we had 6 color combinations that she liked). When I put together 3 design concepts for each ad and presented them to her, she asked me to present more design concepts for each ad and to make the ads more creative. I get the creative part, but I'm not really sure if I should present more design concepts per ad, and I'm also not sure how to go through this collaboration process with my client.
I usually work on logos and one-piece design projects like a simple brochure or a flyer. And this is my first time presenting multiple design pieces like this. I mean, I honestly don't know what I'm doing, this is new territory for me, and I'm kind of making this all up as I go. I would really appreciate some advice on how to present multiple design pieces in a single presentation or if I should change up my collaboration process.
Please help. I don't know what to expect from this "more concepts" approach, and this is my first time presenting multiple concepts per marketing piece.
Hope you understand.
~Jarod B