I'm not sure whether this question is suitable for this forum or not, but I'm going to give it a try anyway. If it's not, can someone please point me to the right direction? Thanks.
The Story:
My mom loves cross-stitching. She is subscribed to multiple communities(?) on Pinterest. She wants to recreate a couple of the images she finds but they always have lines from the cross stitching. I would like to help her by editing the existing images, so the don't have the cross-stitching lines.
If you zoom into the image you can see that the colors are not hi-def at all. I have tried reverse image-searching but I haven't been able to find anything.
Now my question is:
How do I remove the cross-stitching effect on the image. Don't worry, i'm not asking anyone to do this for me. I would just like to find out how I can remove the effect.
Good news! I'm starting to answer my own question.
I've removed the white and black border around the image and devided the image width (and height) by the width of 1 stitch (which was 3 pixels, on this image).
But I still have more colors than desired, which was expected.
More questions
How do I get rid of the extra colors on the edge of the segments?