I am working on a Pre-School Web Design, and I feel quite stuck on a point where I don't know what else I can do to make it just a little bit polished. I was using a template for base, with a lot of changes, and I feel like it doesn't have an overall harmony in terms of navigating from one page to another.
I got feedback on the same topic, "the parts I designed to the template are doesn't quite fit the overall look" and "it doesn't look harmonious".
Here are the links to the web design's pages with a little bit of description next to it, because the actual web design is in hungarian.
My last two ideas were giving blue background to the listing and profile page, and to include some of the main page's decoration sitewise (like the balloons and stars on the intro) but these are not improving the overall look that much, according to my feedback source.
Any direction or idea would be helpful.