have a look at www.uglyapp.com for my latest creation(under construction).
Home page (large version link)
Round logo
Rectangular logo (large version link)
I am happy with the overall 'look and feel' colour scheme and have done a lot of work on getting the site to work on all platforms. I wanted the logo to be 'not scary' but 'humorous' and the colours to follow through the site.
The eyes were available on the web so I used them as the starting point of the logo. I replicated the gradient onto the teeth and picked a green for the 'app.com'.
The reason for the 2 logos is I wanted to produce one (rectangular ) for the main one then an alternative (circular) I could then use as an icon within a mobile environment. But I think the site needs some 'green' on the right hand side.
So to the question.
Does the logo work from an aesthetic point of view.
I welcome any criticisms - hints - ideas that might improve the site / logos .
Hope this edit complies with the terms for critique.