I am used to editing vector graphics in FontLab, which allows you to simplify vectors like this:
The behavior I'm used to
If I delete a point from a curve, the program will roughly maintain the original shape by adjusting the handles of neighbouring points to compensate. Result: A curve that looks roughly like the original.
However, in Illustrator, the default behavior seems to be different, and it drives me a little bonkers—not quite because I'm used to the behavior above, but because in 90% of cases it's actually better for my particular use case and illustration style.
The behavior in Illustrator (it seems)
If I delete a point from a curve, the result is a straight line between the original points. If I want to recreate the original shape, I have to do some combination of joining points and adding/adjust handles.
Is there something I could be doing differently to get the behavior I'm used to? I would love for it to be as straightforward/keyboard-friendly as I'm used to Fontlab, without having to click a bunch or manually add or adjust handles. For all I know I'm using the wrong tool or action; though I'm not new to Illustrator, I haven't used it much to directly edit curves before.