After using Inkscape's interpolation, is there a straight-forward way of getting the parameters that were used to create the result?

Interpolation dialog with sample params:

Sample interpolation params dialog


I'm experimenting with different interpolation params, to see which yield best looking result. Labelling different outputs with text tool is my current approach, but perhaps there is a better way.

As mentioned, I'm looking for a straight-forward solution. For instance, measuring distance between interpolation steps to learn the exponent, is a total overkill.

1 Answer 1


There is no straight-forward way to retrieve the interpolation parameters. To be precise: There is no way at all to retrieve the exact parameters. Interpolation is not an effect, but generates new obejcts. The new objects are just like any other object. The SVG does not contain any hints that they were generated.


  • Use live preview to play around.

  • Modify the "interpolate" extension to add a text with the parameters used. Location of the script is listed under Edit > Preferences > System, System Data. The script file is named interp.py.

  • Write a script that generates a table of labeled interpolation examples for lots of different parameter combinations.

This answer is not satisfying, but that's the way it is. Sorry.

  • That's what I feared - objects generated by interpolation might not contain any additional metadata. Have you seen any confirmation of this in some docs form?
    – vucalur
    Commented Jan 27, 2017 at 18:32
  • 1
    No. I haven't read the documentation to answer this question. I read the svg file (as text) and looked at the source code of the interpolation script.
    – Socowi
    Commented Jan 29, 2017 at 11:20
  • And that's is even better than looking that up in the docs :) (The interpolation docs being only the tutorial I linked in the question)
    – vucalur
    Commented Jan 29, 2017 at 12:23

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