The ckassical elementary construction of a normal from a given point by drawing three circles work. The orange line is the resulted normal:
It only needs trimming, See the next method for it.
If there's no need of a puristical glaze,
- make copies of the triangle sides (=select, Ctrl+D). If the triangle happens to be a closed shape, it's no use to split it, but draw new lines with the pen tool. If you have the point snaps on and high zoom, they will fit perfectly.
- rotate them 90 degrees (Object > Rotate 90 degrees)
- move by dragging the line with the usual selection tool until the end snaps to the incentre
- trim.
Trimming needs the node editing tool. Double click at the crossing to create a new node, delete the node from the exessive end. The extra part vanishes.
Be sure that all snaps to points are in use, no snap to the grid.
Here's a sparse non-live visualization of the costruction of one normal:
one side is selected, duplicated and rotated 90 degrees
dragged to the incentre