Let's say I have a document with a vector layer.
If I want to add a path to that layer with the Pen Tool, I select the Pen Tool in Path mode with Combine Shapes as Path Operation and draw the new path I want:
If I do the same with the Rectangle Tool, Ellipse Tool, or any of the predefined shapes tool, I only get the path (no fill, no stroke):
In addition the two path seem "linked" to each other, like grouped together (they select together with the Path Selection Tool).
The only workaround I found is to select the rectangle, cut (Ctrl-X) it, change the tool to something else than Path Selection Tool, take back the Path Selection Tool, and paste the shape:
Is this inconsistency in behavior normal? How can I get the Rectangle Tool (or any other) work like the Pen Tool? In other words how can I simply draw multiple vector rectangles on an existing vector layer?